Punda Malidadi

Friday, August 25, 2006

R.I.P., Nash (Unluckiest Frog in Catrin's Aquarium History)

I killed it. I'm not a murderess, but I'm definitely guilty of negligent frogslaughter. When I checked my aquarium this morning, all was well: Crosby, Stills and Nash were frolicking, and Young was hiding under a plastic plant doing his own thing.

Then, I went to a math refresher course, and it took me about 45 minutes to realize it was a waste of my time. Unfortunately, by the time I got home, it was too late: The froggy's legs were both stuck far up my filter intake, its white belly frivolously exposed to whoever cared to look. Not being able to free himself and go to the surface to breathe, he had drowned while some mumbling instructor with bad handwriting tried to explain multivariable calculus in 7 minutes to me(and failed).

And the worst thing is, I was warned this could happen, and didn't do what was suggested to prevent it.

A frog butcher is what I am, and I understand if y'all can't be my friends any more.


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