Sunday, August 13, 2006
Madlibs for President!
I love Madlibs. Sometimes I laugh so hard I stop breathing for a little bit.
Here's what I've learned about American politics and America in general by doing Madlibs. Check it out- I bet you'll learn something.
[On a side note, I played Poker against 8 other players all male and more experienced than me, bought in for twenty, and cashed out at 79.75.]
Here's what I've learned about American politics and America in general by doing Madlibs. Check it out- I bet you'll learn something.
- When George Washington was a wooden boy, he took his bathtub and chopped down his father's cucumber tree.
- One of the many bras the American president wears is that of the diplomat.
- The Government is of the people, for the people, and by the fish.
- Campaign speeches sound something like this: "I want to warn you against my crumbly opponent, Mr. Steve. This man is nothing but a fruity potato."
- If you want to hold a good public speech, you must organize all your pigs feet on a piece of toilet seat and keep a pitcher of urine handy in case your spine goes dry.
- Abraham Lincoln preserved the foreskin and Thomas Jefferson is the author of the Declaration of Circumcision.
- Many curvaceous citizens observe Independence Horse by hanging their whore out a window or running it up an ineffecive pole.
- Favourite American foods are apple ninja and corn on the misconception.
- Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me watermelon."
- On voting day, you might have to show your bush to prove your identity. Then, you may place an A in a small jockstrap opposite your candidate's snorkel.
- It is unlawful to own a weasel or carry a concealed weasel without a weasel license.
- The legislative branch consists of congress and the senate, who decide which monkeys are passed into canisters. Their decisions can be vetoed by the accountant.
- Harry Truman's nickname was "Giv'em Hooker Harry".
- Dick Nixon is famous for saying "I am not a rearview mirror!"
[On a side note, I played Poker against 8 other players all male and more experienced than me, bought in for twenty, and cashed out at 79.75.]
[10:06 AM, August 15, 2006]
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