Punda Malidadi

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Honey, You Don't Know Me From a Hole in the Wall

Which is why you've tagged me to fill out a survey about sports.

Anyways, here goes:

1. Have you ever been in a fantasy league?

Have I? Ha! I am currently tied for first place in the University of Alberta's Fantasy Students' Council League. Council's not a sport, you say? Clearly, you've never been there. Go have someone tell you the Indian leg-wrestling story.

2. What was the first jersey you ever owned?

Uh...I might have dated someone once who owned a jersey. Wait...define 'jersey'. And 'dating'. And while you're at it, define 'sex'- it might come in handy some time.

3. Top 5 sports books

Gone With the Wind, for the daring horseback riding
Nineteen Eighty-four, for the idyllic cross-country hiking
The Lord of the Flies, for the enthralling wrestling sequences
Sphere, for the deep-diving scenes
and last, but certainly not least,
Tender Viking of My Heart for the dashing sword-fighting. Damned Saxons.

4. 10 favorite athletes

that really short guy who used to play for the Charlotte Hornets in the early- to mid-nineties
the coach of the Croatian national soccer team
Forrest Gump.

That's right, I got nothing.

5. Three Athletes I secretly admire but am ashamed to admit it for fear of ridicule

Shame is not a factor, and ridicule is what I do to others.

Still, I got nothing.

6. The 5 people I tag are:

Paul Wells, Joacqin Phoenix, Angela Merkel, Dan Brown, and Aaron Sorkin. Go!


Blogger Konrad wrote:
[2:41 PM, August 10, 2006]
Catrin, you should have tagged me. I love sports :-)
Blogger Jake wrote:
[6:45 PM, August 13, 2006]
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Blogger Jake wrote:
[6:47 PM, August 13, 2006]
And while you're at it, define 'sex'

It depends on what the definition of "is" is.

In sports-related news, earlier today I watched a replay of the IRB Sevens rugby stop in London from May (I believe). They showed a Canada-Germany match, which Canada won handily, though not as handily as you might think (if you knew that Canada is well-established in sevens while Deutschland is quite new to it, which you probably didn't). Anyway, the British announcer praised the German performance, referring to Canada as "reasonable-class opposition." It was probably the proudest I've ever been to be Canadian.
Blogger Catrin wrote:
[5:53 PM, August 14, 2006]
A British guy praised something German?


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