Punda Malidadi

Monday, September 05, 2005

Scuba Diving

Who's going to learn to scuba dive with me? Classes are monday evenings from 5:45pm to 10pm, and it costs $160 for students. Anyone?


Blogger Konrad wrote:
[1:55 AM, September 06, 2005]
Meinst Du das ernst? Wie kommst Du denn darauf? In welche Abgründe willst Du denn abtauchen?
Blogger Catrin wrote:
[9:32 AM, September 07, 2005]
Natuerlich meine ich das ernst. Ich wollte schon immer tauchen lernen, und da ich bald ein Vierteljahrhundert alt bin, sollte ich doch mal einige Dinge abhaken auf meiner to-do Liste.
Blogger daveberta wrote:
[11:34 AM, September 07, 2005]
i like the new template. cool
Blogger Catrin wrote:
[1:51 PM, September 07, 2005]
Andros! I saw you yesterday driving north on 112th street towards the University, but I wasn't quite sure it was you until it was too late to catch your attention. Welcome back! You have to come see the new house sometime-I'm living there with Babil, Samantha and Mike- but not before we've cleaned it up.

And the template is the making of Chris Chan, who has come up with this design after I gave him immeasurably vague instructions such as "Uh, I don't know. I like green and purple and books and grass. Knock yourself out", or something similar to that.

Thank you very much, Chris Chan.

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