Punda Malidadi

Friday, September 09, 2005

I like the sound of lawnmowers in the distance

My Writing teacher seems really promising on the blogworthiness front, what with my low standards and all. As I strolled into class Tuesday morning at around 9:26 on my watch- which is a few minutes fast- I am greeted with a stern "You're late," which, of course, I counter with an equally stern: "No, I'm not. Your watch must be fast." The discussion goes back and forth a bit, kind of on an elementary school maturity level("You're late!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes you are!" "No I'm not!"), and he eventually gives in and starts with class introductions. After that, we take a little coffee break, and as soon as he's out of the room, I said to the girl sitting next to me(who later turned out to be singer/songwriter Krista Hartman who is playing at Waynefest this weekend): "I don't know what he was on. I was perfectly on time." She looks at me and says: "This class starts at nine."

Well, what could I do? I went outside where my teacher had a smoke, and tried to convince him that I am in fact *not* schizophrenic, and that I was quite aware that it was 9:27- which in hindsight makes me more than 20 minutes late, even when calculating the fastness of my watch. Oh, first impressions.

Well, what have I learnt from this encounter? I have learnt that it is possible to win any argument, even against clear-cut and unambigous evidence to the contrary, as long as you are confident enough. And I sure was, believe you me.

Later, we played a little game where we all had to find ten endings each to the following sentences: I love/hate the taste of, the smell of, the feel of, the sight of etc. While I was rightfully apalled at the cliched answers most people came up with(strawberries and puppy dogs and shit), I found it quite amusing when someone said: "I hate the feel of rejection." First of all, it's funny becaue it's somewhere on a level with "I hate the feel of pain." Secondly, it's funny because my teacher countered that answer with "Boy, are you ever in the wrong class."

I can see a beautiful relationship emerging down the road. Just lay off the hippie games, ok?

Funny email subject line of the day: "Gabriel, I want the feet pictures"
Best laugh of the day: Look at the correction at the bottom right-hand corner in the current issue of the Gateway.


Blogger Konrad wrote:
[7:21 AM, September 12, 2005]
Unterste Schublade, möglicherweise? Aber wenn sie kommen, kommen sie gewaltig?
Blogger Catrin wrote:
[2:18 PM, September 12, 2005]
Aber echt jetzt. Benehmt euch doch mal altersgerecht hier!
Anonymous Anonymous wrote:
[3:31 PM, September 12, 2005]
Catrin, our beloved Babelfish translates your comment as:

"But genuinly now. Take you away nevertheless times agefairly here!"


Blogger Catrin wrote:
[4:55 PM, September 13, 2005]
Well, if by that they mean "Really now! Could you behave according to your age for once?"(I was trying to make them feel old, you see. They're both past the big 3-0.

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