Punda Malidadi

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Essay Assignment # 6 - a moment of change, again

Instructor: Michael Lahey
Advisor: John Malkovich
Forecast: Insightful, stapled

(If anyone doubts this constitutes the top of my assignment sheet, I'll show it to you anytime. I mean, hey, at least this time it's not Martha Stewart.)

I also registered in Drama 361 today- playwriting. One of you guys should take it with me. All you have to do is go to the Drama general office on the third floor of the Fine Arts building, hand in a writing sample and fill out a consent form, then you're pretty much guaranteed a spot.

Should you go there, I predict the following to happen:

The people behind the counter will smile at you in this really relaxed way, ask for your first name and then tell you theirs. Next, they will politely encourage you to bend and reach over the counter to fish for your own consent forms because they don't feel like getting up from their chairs. Before you'll even be done filling the forms out, they will have offered you a piece of fresh coconut, which you will happily accept. Suckling and nibbling on that piece of goodness, you will hop down HUB mall humming a Gene Kelly song.

What a disturbing experience. I didn't realize the University employed happy people, too.

As to my evening, I just retuned from a Chris Smither concert. It was my first real exposure to live folk music (yadda yadda folk festival yadda yadda I know, I'll go next summer). I loved it! He was quite charming and witty in some of his lyrics. I tried to buy one of his CDs but they were fresh out of every single copy he brought, old and new. How disappointing.

Until I can get my hands on one of them, I'll just hum it in the shower.

"Maybe I was happier blue..."


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