Punda Malidadi

Friday, March 25, 2005

The previous post was spurred by an MSN conversation with Adam Knisely.

Doctor B says:
Anyways, I think part of this conversation is going to make it onto my blog tonight.

8 days to vancouver says:
oh wonderful

Doctor B says:
I knew you'd like that.

8 days to vancouver says:
i like blogs

8 days to vancouver says:
credit me with that or i'll sue yuo

Doctor B says:
oh, geez. I already made the post.

Doctor B says:
But fine.

Happy now, Knisely?


Anonymous Anonymous wrote:
[6:57 PM, March 25, 2005]
Did your writing teacher die?
Blogger Catrin wrote:
[1:19 PM, March 26, 2005]
Yes, i am sorry. I am trying to play a music video in the upper right hand corner. It worked for a day and then it stopped working. I'll try and fix it momentarily. And no, my writing teacher isn't dead. Updates to follow soon.
Anonymous Anonymous wrote:
[12:55 PM, March 27, 2005]
Yeah that video is really annoying, even when it works.

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