Punda Malidadi

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Oktoberfest Beer Gardens in Quad

Well, I'm glad this year they got at least two things right. That is, unlike last year, they did not fuck up the German flag on their posters, and unlike last year, it is actually happening in September as it's supposed to be.

Not that I'll go, mind you. I assume the beer will still be terrible.


Blogger Catrin wrote:
[4:35 PM, September 29, 2005]
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Blogger Catrin wrote:
[4:46 PM, September 29, 2005]
Andros, that is because you are evil. It's not her fault. I didn't notice her voice, but I thought the same on account of the lack of content in her speech. Which makes me slightly less evil than you this time. Haaaaaaaaaaa!
Anonymous Anonymous wrote:
[12:05 PM, October 04, 2005]
deutschland uber alles
Anonymous Anonymous wrote:
[11:37 PM, October 09, 2005]
How did they screw up the flag?
Blogger Catrin wrote:
[9:30 PM, October 10, 2005]
It was black-gold-red stripes across instead of black-red-gold. And yes, I know it's yellow, but we call it gold. Sounds better.

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