Punda Malidadi

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

We Didn't Make Quorum So We Couldn't Change Quorum.

That's just dandy. I mean, seriously, people, I have a paper due tomorrow that I have yet to start writing, but still, here I am, taking time out of my busy schedule to....uh....blog.

But, mind you, I was at council before that.



prox·y [próksee] (plural prox·ies) noun

1. function or power of substitute: the function, power, or capacity to act of a deputy authorized to substitute for another

2. somebody acting as substitute: somebody authorized to substitute for somebody else

3. authorization document for stand-in: a document authorizing somebody to act for another person

4. LAW, STOCK EXCHANGE document authorizing vote on another’s stock: a document authorizing somebody to vote on matters of corporate stock on behalf of somebody else

[15th century. From medieval Latin procuratia, alteration of Latin procuratio, "care, management," from procurare, "to take care of."]

Now on my black list:

  • Dane Bullerwell(but only kind of, because he's already a proxy and therefore can't get one)
  • Jamaal Montasser
  • Tim Schneider
  • everybody else who wasn't there, but especially the last two, because they should know better.

Redeem yourself, I say!


Anonymous Anonymous wrote:
[9:49 PM, June 14, 2005]
Tim is too busy not responding to me to get a proxy.
Blogger Prus wrote:
[9:56 PM, June 14, 2005]
I was there at least
Blogger Catrin wrote:
[11:06 PM, June 14, 2005]
What do you want from him?
Anonymous Anonymous wrote:
[12:43 AM, June 15, 2005]
What do you think a student can legitimately ask/demand of SU councilors representing faculties other than the student's own faculty?
Blogger Catrin wrote:
[11:58 AM, June 15, 2005]
Bylaw 100- Respecting Students' Council

Part V - Requirement of Members
Requirement of Council Members
20. Each voting member of Council, or their proxy, will:
a. Actively represent the student body as a whole, and the particular group by
which the member was elected;

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