Punda Malidadi

Monday, June 06, 2005

So I changed my format...

...but I'm not really sure if I'm liking it or not. I definitely wanted green, but this is somehow boring. Luckily enough, Chris Chan is coming over tonight for cooking and I will somehow bully him into personalizing it for me. So, stay tuned!

Oh, and I knew I had arrived in blog Valhalla when somebody found this site by googling "worst blog on the Internet".


Anonymous Anonymous wrote:
[11:51 PM, June 06, 2005]
Chris Chan sucks.
Blogger Catrin wrote:
[12:01 AM, June 07, 2005]
Your mom....no, you know what?

*You* suck.
Anonymous Anonymous wrote:
[12:35 AM, June 07, 2005]
Will someone please tell her that "Your mom" jokes haven't been funny for over a decade?
Blogger Konrad wrote:
[12:52 AM, June 07, 2005]
Nun sieht mein Blog nicht mehr aus wie Deiner. Ein Schritt in die Einzigartigkeit.......wie schön!!
Blogger Catrin wrote:
[10:57 AM, June 07, 2005]
anonymous: Thanks for the Update! What would I do if people wouldn't help me out by telling me what's funny and what isn't? I mean, obviously, I have no sense of humour whatsoever. In fact, my life is one drab, grey committee meeting, or something.

Janet: I'm sticking with the green, for sure. It's one of my favourite colours. But I'm not happy with the format yet.
Anonymous Anonymous wrote:
[9:17 PM, June 07, 2005]
well, if i'm going to be adjusting things, someone had better tell me what shade of green we're going to be looking at.

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