Punda Malidadi

Monday, December 05, 2005

Just Say No

I couldn't have put it more eloquently. My regards to Mr. Bernard Shaw, speaking through Mr. Doolittle in Pygmalion:

. Why dont you marry that missus of yours? I rather draw the line at encouraging that sort of immorality.

OOLITTLE. Tell her so, Governor: tell her so. I'm willing. It's me that suffers by it. Ive no hold on her. I got to be agreeable to her. I got to give her presents. I got to buy her clothes something sinful. I'm a slave to that woman, Governor, just because I'm not her lawful husband. And she knows it too. Catch her marrying me! Take my advice, Governor: marry Eliza while shes young and dont know no better. If you dont youll be sorry for it after. If you do, she'll be sorry for it after; but better you than her, because youre a man, and shes only a woman and dont know how to be happy anyhow.


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